Thankfully this was remedied in the following game, although only on solo and co-op challenge maps due to its lack of multiplayer.
This should help provide a lot more variety across all your maps compared to previous games in the series where you could only add cookie cutter enemies and allies.įar Cry 3's level editor was a notable failure because you weren't able to add vehicles to maps published online.

NPCs in Far Cry 5's level editor are restricted to Far Cry 5's NPCs only, although you can change their appearance using the many different outfits available in the main game. The possibilities for imaginative map-makers out there seems to be limitless! That bear has a rocket heading straight for its head so I think the baseball bat might be a little bit of overkill. If you're feeling particularly adventurous you could even mix and match assets and have something like a 10,000 BC environment from Far Cry Primal mixed with the 18th century Parisian buildings from Assassin's Creed Unity. Using these assets means there's a huge amount of potential for varied levels, for instance you could set up a deathmatch in a pirate town using Black Flag assets, or you could create a modern day city using Watch Dogs assets. The assets from these games include things like objects and structures, vegetation types, rocks, caves and decals.

The rest of the assets come from other Ubisoft titles, namely Far Cry 4, Far Cry Primal, Assassin's Creed Black Flag, Assassin's Creed Unity and Watch Dogs. These assets will be lifted directly taken from the bonkers DLC chapters that are set in places like Vietnam, a zombie apocalypse and even the planet Mars! Later down the line, there'll also be six updates after launch that'll add even more assets to the editor.
These include over 5000 assets from Far Cry 5 alone and they'll cover the full roster of weapons, vehicles, animals and enemies found in the main game. There are over 9000 assets to pick from in the level editor and they're all available from day one. This should be particularly welcome news to those in the map-making community who loved creating obstacle course style maps. Bounty Hunt is a new game type that lets players track and kill targets before reaching an extraction zone, whilst Journey tasks them with finding the exit in user-created mazes. In Assault maps you need to kill every last enemy on the map, while in Outpost you have to liberate user-made outposts in a similar way to how you do it in the main game. You'll also be able to make challenge maps for solo and co-op play, choosing from four available game modes: Assault, Outpost, Bounty Hunt and Journey. Multiplayer is limited to 12 players in Deathmatch or two teams of up to six players each in Team Deathmatch. In the map editor you can make maps for two types of multiplayer game modes: Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch. Thankfully, Ubisoft has listened to the community this time around and multiplayer map making is back with a (Far Cry) vengeance. The level editor is only accessible through the main menu of Far Cry 5, so if you want to build rather than play, you'll need to exit out of Hope County and head back to the title screen.įar Cry 4 was a major disappointment for map makers because, for the first time in the series, the level editor wouldn't let you make multiplayer maps. You cannot however access the Far Cry 5 map editor through Far Cry Arcade. Far Cry Arcade can be accessed through the main menu, or by interacting with a number of arcade machines found dotted around the single-player game world. Far Cry Arcade is the new hub in Far Cry 5 for playing user-made solo, co-op and multiplayer missions and it is a separate entity to the main campaign.